Friday, April 13, 2012

Week in Review

It has been a busy week around here!  We wired money for our newest project in Nairobi, (yay!) set up a some exciting meetings for next week, and made some good headway on a few upcoming projects!  We can't wait to tell you all about the project in Nairobi and the amazing organization we have been working with.  Until then......

Malawi's former President passed away last week from a heart attack.  Last weekend the country's new President Joyce Banda was sworn in making her the second female President in Africa.  This article gives a great picture of the landscape Joyce will face.   

The cholera outbreak has been ongoing in Haiti since October of 2010.  While many believe believe a cholera vaccine won't work in Haiti Partners in Health is doing their best to prove these skeptics wrong. They will be vaccinating 50,000 people in a rural area and you can follow their progress here.

There was good news from the World Bank this week as they announced that "the number of people living in 'extreme poverty' decreased by 100 million between 2005 and 2008."  This is has continued to 2010 but, how do we get those still living in poverty out?

Do you know where your taxes go?

I am headed to NYC this weekend and can't wait to check out Treasure and Bond!  This "charitable concept store" by Nordstroms gives 100% of after-cost proceeds to charities in NYC.  What an amazing idea! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and GO SOX!

xo, Megan and Jess

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