Sunday, April 22, 2012

An "Earth Day" post for Jess


It seems appropriate to take a break from TFE to wish the best friend, mother, co-founder and co-worker I know a very Happy 30th Birthday!

I can't say enough about what an amazing person Jess is.  Those of you that know her understand what I mean; those of you that don't...well you are missing out.  She is kind, caring, funny, smart, hard working, determined and I consider myself beyond lucky to spend every work day with her.  The first thing she asked me when we met in my interview four years ago was "Do you like country music?"  I knew from that moment we would be friends, but had no idea what GREAT friends we would become.

Since then we have celebrated a few birthdays, made it through the GMAT, survived business school, she has gotten married and had an amazing son, we've run a half marathon together, taken trips to NYC, Nashville and Bretton Woods and we've started (what we think) is an amazing non-profit.  One year (almost to the day) after finishing grad school I told her about how I wanted to provide uniforms to children in need.  When I asked if she wanted to help Jess immediately said "YES," without missing a beat.  I will never forget that moment, I am so thankful she said yes because I certainly could not have done it alone!

Jess, thank you for being such a great friend.  You inspire me, challenge me and make me laugh.  In honor of your 30th Birthday here are 30 reasons (I know there are more) why you are such a wonderful person and bring joy to so many (these are not in order of importance):

1- You are an amazing Mother
2- You have a BIG heart
3- You put everyone before yourself
4- You have really shiny hair (like Kate Middleton)
5- You put up with all of my freak out moments
6- Our diary items
7- You gave me a phenomenal godson
8- You are a great listener (even when I am on repeat)
9- You are adventurous
10- Your Troop Beverly Hills dress and white halter top
11- Your spreadsheets
12- Four Seasons (enough said)
13- You stopped me from eating two breakfast sandwiches that one time
14- You capture every moment with tons of pictures
15- You get dessert when you are out to dinner
16- You exercise religiously and have motivated me from the day I met you
17- Your sense of humor
18- You work "sympathy" European hours when I do
19- You have the best cereal selection in the whole state
20- You tried to set me up with a pedicab driver once (mid-ride)
21- Our shopping spree at the outlets
22- You over blushed in the picture above (I do all the time so this picture makes me feel better)
23- You bring me leftovers when you make a good dinner
24- You took the "long way" with me many times in b-school, while pregnant
25- You let me wear the MJ jacket out (pictured above)
26- You are really good at yoga
27- You share your maple candies with me
28- You throw great parties
29- You had three American Girl dolls (this is just jealously related)
30- No matter how old we get, you will always be older than me

I could go on for a while, but will save the rest of the list for birthdays to come.  Happy, happy birthday sweet friend.  I can't wait to see what the next chapter holds!

xo, Megan

PS.  For all you that haven't donated today is the last day of our 30 for 30 challenge.  Help us reach our goal of 30 donations by clicking here

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