Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebri-TFE Spotlight in Kimberly Boyd

        (n) 1. someone who has gone out of their way to help Tailored for Education raise money or awareness

It all started when my good friend Kim nominated Tailored for Education for The Park School annual benefit concert.  After the parent's association selected us she didn't just stop there.  Over the past few months Kim has been a true advocate for TFE by organizing an amazing week of awareness for the children at the Park School.  It started with the sale of Tailored for Education pencils each day of the week, then Jess spoke to the 5th through 9th graders on Thursday morning.  The culmination came Thursday night with a fabulous concert full of inspiring songs sung by all of The Park School choirs.  The result was just over $2,000 raised for TFE!  

Kim, thank you for being a supporter from the very beginning!  We are so grateful for everything you have done to help us expand our organization.  Because of you and all of your collegues' hard work we will be able to provide approximately 100 uniforms.

Thank you to Kim and everyone at The Park School!

xo, Megan and Jess

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