Sunday, November 11, 2012


Birthday wishes go out to Miss Megan Kelly!

Rewind back to March 2008. We were looking to hire a new person for our group at work.  I wasn't paying much attention, they said they would bring me in for the final interview when they found a candidate. Eventually, that day came.... 

The pressure and enormity of the impending decision had begun to set in.  While this person would work with everyone in our group, they would work mostly with me.  I would be responsible for training them and after that we'd end up working closely together, hopefully for a long time. I had to not only be able to tolerate this person for 45 hours a week, but actually LIKE them.... 

So I walked into the conference room and sat down at the table across from Megan. I had thought a lot about what I was going to say, the questions I would ask her.  So I wasted no time and started:

"do you like country music?" And that was it, four and a half years later, here we are!

I wish I had known Megan back when these pictures were taken.  Using current day as a base, I can only imagine how ridiculously fun a childhood together would have been.  Even though I didn't know the Megan above or below, I do often turn around at my desk to see this exact facial expression looking back at me!

Megan, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday! I feel so fortunate to have met you. You have changed my life for the better and every day I feel so lucky to work side by side with you not just at one job, but TWO!

To my juicer, confidant, coworker, twin, technically boss, fashion consultant, old classmate (#whatwerewethinking??), business partner, son's godmother, interior designer, and most importantly, FRIEND .... happy birthday!


P.S. - is that Paddington Bear wrapping paper in picture #3?!

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