Thursday, May 17, 2012

Only 2 More Days....

Until we are lost in party confetti and blowing out our birthday candles!

Things we didn’t know May 17, 2011:
  • what Form 1023 and Form 990 were
  • how many selfless people there are in the world who are working endless hours for little or no pay to make a difference
  • the fun of Twitter bombing
  • how many "gifts that give" we would own in such a short time
  • that we could memorize a 23 minute presentation
  • that in less than a year we would have provided uniforms to children in Haiti and El Salvador
  • and have projects underway in Honduras, Kenya and Cambodia!
  • that we would speak to Kim Kardashian on the phone
  • that we would be making travel plans to visit Africa!
  •  that we would meet and work with so many amazing and inspiring individuals and organizations around the globe  
  • that we would be dabbling in social entrepreneurship and planting grand ideas and aspirations
  • who Alan Turdyk was …. and how much help his one liner could be!
  • that dedicating your free time to a cause you believe in can be one of the most rewarding feelings one can experience
  • how much two dedicated individuals with big hearts and even bigger dreams can accomplish when they put their minds to it :-)

Happy ALMOST birthday to us! Please click HERE to help us reach our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION goal of raising enough money to provide 365 uniforms before the last birthday candle is blown out. 

xo, Megan and Jess

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