Friday, May 18, 2012

Birthday Week in Review 5-18-12

We are only a few hours from celebrating our FIRST BIRTHDAY.  

It has been a GREAT week and we couldn't be happier (or more excited to relax)!  We received a project update from Honduras, we successfully made it through a presentation to our largest group of adults yet, we made some headway on our "one for one" product and we have raised enough money for 218 uniforms.  There is still time to help us meet our goal of 365 before tomorrow!

We have constantly been shocked and saddened by the number of children in Haiti living as restavaks.

The new President of Malawi firmly believes that education for women is the best way to keep them safe and healthy. 

More on President Joyce Banda's stance of education for girls.

Lots of great things going on in Kibera, the largest slum of Kenya.

We've mentioned our love for JADEtribe products before, but when I saw this adorable ipad case in the new LONNY last week I couldn't help but share.  It screams summer and the beach, which is thankfully just around the corner!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a birthday surprise!

xo, Megan and Jess

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st birthday to TFE!!! It's so great how much you have accomplished in one year.
