Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Press!

Nothing makes us happier or more excited than sharing our story and cause with others.  Check out the article below from The Tenneessee Register about Tailored for Education.  Here is the link too!

May 25, 2012

St. Cecilia alum helps children dress for school, success

Photos courtesy of Tailored for Education
Megan Kelly, an alumnae of St. Cecilia Academy, is the co-founder of the nonprofit organization Tailored for Education, which helps supply uniforms to school children in developing countries like Tanzania and Haiti.

Ned Andrew Solomon, Tennessee Register

Megan Kelly graduated from St. Cecilia in 2002, attended and graduated from Boston University, and began working at a private investment firm in Boston in the spring of 2008.

She and a co-worker, Jessica Roy – also a product of Catholic education in northern Massachusetts – became fast friends, and decided to both get their masters degrees in finance at Boston College in the evenings.

That turned out to be the beginning of a partnership that would create educational opportunities for thousands of children in developing countries.

“After we graduated in May 2010 we realized that we had a lot more time on our hands,” said Kelly. “We knew we needed a new project; we just weren’t sure what it was going to be. We did know we wanted to do something that involved children.”

About a year ago, Kelly had a group of friends over for dinner, and a discussion ensued about the different ways they might make a positive impact on the world.


“One of my friends casually mentioned that children in Tanzania were required to wear school uniforms in order to attend school, and that usually those uniforms only cost around $17,” said Kelly. “Having worn uniforms my whole life, all through Overbrook and St. Cecilia, it was a shock to discover that $17 could keep a child from attending school.”

She told Roy about the uniform need the very next day, and even thought she had a viable next step. Kelly sews as a hobby, and had made pillows for her apartment and curtains for friends. She thought she could make uniforms at home and send them overseas.

While doing Internet research to determine which countries require school uniforms, they discovered that, for the most part, all African, Latin American and Southeast Asian countries do. Kelly and Roy soon realized that the need was far too great for their simple solution, and that making uniforms stateside would also take business away from the local economies in the countries they were hoping to support.

Unlike in the United States, the uniform requirement in these countries is not just for Catholic or other parochial institutions; it’s for any schools. “You’re dealing with children who have little to no clothes of their own,” said Kelly. “So, they want to make sure that children show up in clothes to begin with, and that no child feels like the poorest child in the school.”

Since both women wore uniforms in their own educational experiences, Kelly and Roy understood the positive effects of proper school attire. Dressing up for school contributes to feelings of self-worth and encourages children to value education, and hopefully further instill those values in their own children. It has been well documented that receiving an education helps interrupt the poverty cycle systemic in many developing countries today.

Toward that end, Tailored for Education, a 501 C3, was born in May 2011. In a year’s time, the non-profit has established partnerships with seven agencies, also committed to improving the lives of people in developing countries. Although they have dealt directly with uniform suppliers and school administrations, more typically Kelly and Roy work with other non-profits that are already involved with some aspect of the schools they’re working in.

“Jess and I can’t be on the ground in these counties, so partnering with existing organizations that have staff in these places works as a better model,” explained Kelly. “There are a lot of barriers to education. Uniforms are just one of them. Other groups provide lunches for the children, or rebuild schools. While they’re already eliminating one barrier, we ‘go in’ and eliminate another.”

Since December, Tailored for Education has raised just over $250,000. By this fall, the non-profit venture will have provided funding for 5,400 uniforms.

Kelly and Roy have been fairly successful fundraising through their website and social media, and by giving presentations that promote awareness of the problem. Recently, a private school in Boston did a charity choir concert to benefit the initiative. Still it hasn’t been an easy sell. “We’ve found that uniforms have been a really hard need to convey in the U.S., because most people associate it with private or parochial schools, people that don’t necessarily need money or help,” Kelly said. “It’s the total opposite in the countries that we’re working with.”

Additionally, there’s the basic undervaluing of education in this country. “A lot of children here, by their own choice, drop out of high school and don’t finish,” said Roy. “In the U.S. there almost has to be an incentivization program for children to finish school and get good grades. In the countries we’re working in, the top priority is to get kids a good education and get them out of poverty.”

But one of the greatest things about

Tailored for Education is that a donation of $20 really can make a significant difference. “Right now, the average cost of a uniform is only $23, which most people spend going out for ice cream, or two movie tickets and popcorn,” said Kelly. “The life of a child can be changed with a really small donation.”

For those interested in contributing or finding out more about Tailored for Education, visit, or e-mail

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Thank you to all the brave servicemen and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  To all of those currently serving our country, thank you for honoring our country and ensuring our safety! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Week in Review

165,000 children living in a refugee camp in Nairobi, Kenya are being deprived of an education.

Nashville high schooler helps children in Africa!

The sad truth for families living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

The truth about aid.  Only 1% of the US budget is spent on foreign aid.

Looking for the perfect hostess gift for your summer weekend getaway?  Look no further than glassybaby.  Fabulous handmade glass candle holders that give 10% of proceeds to charities.  The colors are AMAZING making glassybaby the perfect gift that gives back!

Hope you all have a fabulous long weekend filled with lots of sunshine!

xo, Megan and Jess

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Price Check!

As you all prepare for Memorial Day BBQs just remember.....

For the price of 24-pack of beer you could 
provide a uniform for a child in need!

xo, Megan and Jess

Monday, May 21, 2012

Celeb-ri-TFE Spotlight on Heidi Popkin!

(n) 1. someone who has gone out of their way to help Tailored for Education raise money or awareness

This week we shine our spotlight on Heidi Popkin who helped us pull off a fabulous presentation last Monday! Heidi was the calm before the storm (the storm = us and our nerves) and helped to orchestrate all the logistics of the event.

Heidi, we could not have done it without you!
Thank you so much for everything you did to help us make 5/14/12 successful!

xo, Jess and Megan

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday TFE!

It has been an amazing first year for Tailored for Education!  To date we have provided 1,074 uniforms and have another 4,355 in production; we are working in five countries through seven different partnerships.  We are so proud of how far we have come and can't wait to see how many children we can help during our second year!  The below video is a compilation of all of our projects over the past year.  Seeing these adorable children in uniforms and at school is a constant reminder of why we started Tailored for Education one year ago.  

Today is the last day of our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION campaign, click here to donate a uniform.    Only 128 uniforms to go to reach our goal of 365 uniforms! !

Lastly, thank you to all of our supporters, friends and family for your generosity and encouragement over the past year.  We certainly could not have changed the lives of so many children without all of you!

xo, Megan and Jess

Friday, May 18, 2012

Birthday Week in Review 5-18-12

We are only a few hours from celebrating our FIRST BIRTHDAY.  

It has been a GREAT week and we couldn't be happier (or more excited to relax)!  We received a project update from Honduras, we successfully made it through a presentation to our largest group of adults yet, we made some headway on our "one for one" product and we have raised enough money for 218 uniforms.  There is still time to help us meet our goal of 365 before tomorrow!

We have constantly been shocked and saddened by the number of children in Haiti living as restavaks.

The new President of Malawi firmly believes that education for women is the best way to keep them safe and healthy. 

More on President Joyce Banda's stance of education for girls.

Lots of great things going on in Kibera, the largest slum of Kenya.

We've mentioned our love for JADEtribe products before, but when I saw this adorable ipad case in the new LONNY last week I couldn't help but share.  It screams summer and the beach, which is thankfully just around the corner!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a birthday surprise!

xo, Megan and Jess

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Only 2 More Days....

Until we are lost in party confetti and blowing out our birthday candles!

Things we didn’t know May 17, 2011:
  • what Form 1023 and Form 990 were
  • how many selfless people there are in the world who are working endless hours for little or no pay to make a difference
  • the fun of Twitter bombing
  • how many "gifts that give" we would own in such a short time
  • that we could memorize a 23 minute presentation
  • that in less than a year we would have provided uniforms to children in Haiti and El Salvador
  • and have projects underway in Honduras, Kenya and Cambodia!
  • that we would speak to Kim Kardashian on the phone
  • that we would be making travel plans to visit Africa!
  •  that we would meet and work with so many amazing and inspiring individuals and organizations around the globe  
  • that we would be dabbling in social entrepreneurship and planting grand ideas and aspirations
  • who Alan Turdyk was …. and how much help his one liner could be!
  • that dedicating your free time to a cause you believe in can be one of the most rewarding feelings one can experience
  • how much two dedicated individuals with big hearts and even bigger dreams can accomplish when they put their minds to it :-)

Happy ALMOST birthday to us! Please click HERE to help us reach our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION goal of raising enough money to provide 365 uniforms before the last birthday candle is blown out. 

xo, Megan and Jess

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

El Salvador Project Completed!

This winter we funded our first project in El Salvador!  We provided 794 uniforms to children at four different schools.  We received pictures a few weeks ago and are so excited to share them with you!

How cute are those smiling faces?

Visit Our Projects page to learn more about El Salvador and the obstacles these children will face in an effort to receive an education.

Don't forget there are only a few more days to donate a uniform for our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION campaign!

xo, Megan and Jess

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cake and Uniforms!

Two of our youngest scholars in Honduras being measured for their uniforms! How adorable are they?

pictures courtesy of our giving partner Pure Water for the World 

We are going strong with our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION campaign and have raised enough money to provide 188 uniforms! We are just over half of the way there! 

Please help us reach our goal by donating HERE … only 4 more days until we blow out our birthday candles!!

Xoxo  Megan and Jess

Monday, May 14, 2012

Celebri- TFE Spotlight on Dave Roy

        (n) 1. someone who has gone out of their way to help Tailored for Education raise money or awareness

Dave doesn't just meet this definition but EXCEEDS it over and over again.  In honor of our First Birthday coming up on Saturday it is time to introduce you all to the third member of our team: our AMAZING Treasurer and Risk Officer, Dave Roy!  

I could go on for hours about all the great things Dave does for TFE, including books and records keeping, quarterly financial reports, taxes and overall reality checks on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.  There is no way that we could help the children we do without Dave and we are eternally grateful!  He is sort of like TFE's very own Wizard of Oz behind the magic curtain getting everything done.....

....and he even has his very own lion :)

Dave, thank you so much for everything you do!

xo, Megan and Jess  

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Moms worldwide that put their children first, love unconditionally and work hard each day all in an effort to give their children a better life.  You make the world go round! 

Wishing you all a very Happy Mother's Day!

and to our two Moms, we love you both so much...thank you for all you do

xo, Megan and Jess

image via Pinterest

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Let Birthday Week Begin!

We can hardly believe it, but on May 19th Tailored for Education turns ONE!  So today we kick off our 365 DAYS OF EDUCATION campaign to raise enough money to for 365 uniforms before our first birthday.  That's right, we want to make sure one child receives an education in honor of each day we've been in existence.  Can you think of a better way to celebrate (other than cake of course)?

Click here to donate a uniform between now and next Saturday!

  Check back this week, we've got a lot of fun posts planned to help us celebrate our first year!

xo, Megan and Jess

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week in Review

Mother's Day is upon us!  If you are looking for a last minute gift consider donating a uniform in your Mother's honor.  There is nothing Moms love more than helping another child, just the way she helped you for all those years!  Save the Children released annual State of the World's Mothers report this week focusing on malnutrition and how to combat it. 

I swore to myself I will never complain again about getting up early to exercise after reading this story, how inspiring! 

"Had there been no school meals", she says, "I would have been married by now."  Powerful story about the impact of education and school meals have on children in Malawi. 

A Mother's Day message full of hope and great advice, "Work hard and read books. Look around you, but don't hate." 

We've been admiring the Ashe Collection's products for months now.  I mean how amazing are these necklaces?  Ashe was created to help promote artisans in East Africa while raising money for UNITE The World with Africa. We are meeting one of the women behind UNITE later today and could not be more excited to hear more about the great work they are doing!

xo, Megan and Jess

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Country Spotlight on Honduras

Three weeks ago we funded a brand new project through Pure Water for the World to provide uniforms to 445 children in the municipality of Trojes, El Paraiso in Honduras.  Right now uniforms are being made, so until we can show you pictures here is a little more information on Honduras.  

Honduras has the highest crime rate in the world; an intentional homicide of 86 per 100,000. In the US it is 4.8 per 100,000

Prior to the 1957 reforms, education was really only for the upper class who could afford to send their children to private institutions

Only 65% of children are enrolled in secondary school

School is subsidized by the state until the 5th grade, but many families cannot afford the cost of uniforms and supplies

While families may elect to send both sons and daughters to primary school, females are often withdrawn before secondary school to work

Average years of schooling: 4.8

23.8% of children drop out before finishing primary school

Similar to the situation in El Salvador, education is the key to decreasing the rates of violence a creating a better life for the next generation.  

Stay tuned for update on our Honduras project!

xo, Megan and Jess

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week in Review

The food crisis in the Sahel region of Africa is getting worse and there are one million children in danger of dying from starvation.  Lauren Bush wrote an inspiring article and put out a video this week to show all of us how we can help!  To quote Lauren "Let's help give voices to the voiceless and food to the hungry."

This week we funded out first project in Cambodia, where 22% of adults are illiterate.  While we will be providing 3,400 uniforms, the Room to Read club at Greenwich Academy raised $20,000 to build a library in Cambodia!  

Great article on Corey Gifford, Transparency for Haiti and the amazing work that they do.  Be sure to check out there event coming up over the weekend in New Bedford!

As you know, we love products that do good while looking good and the new collaboration between Tory Burch and FEED for Holt Renfrew does just that!  The only downside is that so far they are only available at Holt Renfrew stores in Canada!  Those of you in Canada, pick up one ASAP.  Fingers crossed they are available to be shipped to the US very soon.  We have a BIG birthday coming up and these would be the perfect gift!

We need everyone's help to increase our number of Facebook followers!  For every 20 Facebook followers we get during the month of May we will donate one uniform.  So "like" us and please encourage ALL of your friends to do the same!  

Happy Derby Day, Happy Cinco de Mayo and Happy Weekend to all!

xo, Megan and Jess

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mother's Day is Just Around the Corner.......

We can also send a letter via mail or email to let your mom know that a donation was made in her honor!  Just email us at

xo, Megan and Jess