Friday, January 27, 2012


Happy Friday Everyone!

It has been quite the week for Tailored for Education and we could not be happier about the progress we've made.  We learned a vaulable lesson this week: the power of TWITTER! 

It started Monday morning with an awesome blog post from Meg (thanks again Meg).  The excitment continued through Monday night with a two tweets from celebs on the west coast (more on thatlater)!  We welcomed Tuesday with big smiles because we had received a RECORD number of donations on Monday.  I don't think we have stopped smiling since!  In addition, we had a few great conference calls and identified three new possible partnerships to help the children of Ghana, Hondurus and Kenya.  All three projects blew our minds with the amazing things these nonprofits are doing and we cannot wait to help! 

Throughout the week we have reached some new milestones too; we added 100 new facebook "likes" in a week and doubled our twitter followers.  To sum it up, we get to spread our message to a lot more people!  Its been a great week and we are elated with the possibility of even better weeks ahead as we help increase the number of children in school worldwide!

To all of our supporters, new and old......THANK YOU! 

xo, Megan and Jess

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