Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haiti 2 Years Later

Today marks the two year anniversary of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated Haiti.  Over the past few days we have read stories, reports and updates on how Haiti has changed and started the rebuilding process.  Today with many others, we celebrate the spirit of the Haitian people and all they have overcome since 2010. 

One of the most humbling topics that kept coming up as we began building TFE was the rebuilding of Haiti post-earthquake. Many people would refer to Haiti by saying "pre earthquake" or "post-earthquake" "earthquake affected" or "not earthquake affected." We remember the earthquake and the immediate devastation it caused, but until Tailored for Education we didn't understand the true magnitude. We have been amazed by all the wonderful people that have continued to work to make the lives of those who survived better and honor those lost. Kenbe La Foundation and Haiti Partners rebuilding schools, Please Pass the Bread and Catholic Relief Services providing meals, Charity Water providing clean water, Partners in Health treating patients, COHP getting children living in tents to school , UNICEF supporting the many children that lost one or both parents, the Gengel Family building an orphanage in memory of their daughter Brit, The Feed Foundation providing meals to children through the purchase of their FEED HAITI bag (which both founders of TFE sport daily and love). This list doesn't even scratch the surface of the number of organization who have been working since 2010 and won't be stopping any time soon!

We hope that you will join us in our quest to give the children of Haiti an opportunity at a better life through education. Our most recent school benefits children who are still living in a tent camp, like the one pictured above. It cost us just $17.05 per uniform to provide these children with a new set of clothing they can call their own and wear to school with pride. Please consider joining our cause and helping us give more children something to smile about!

xo, Megan and Jess

Images via CNN

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