Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or treat?

How many times have you spent a small fortune on a costume you HAD to have that you'll realistically wear ONCE??  Tinkerbell.  Miss Britain. A bunch of grapes.  80s aerobics instructor.    GUILTY as charged, right here.  They're all in a bin in the attic waiting for the next occasion that calls for fluorescent pink spandex or fairy dust. I mean, I spent a sum not to be mentioned on a costume for a four month old because I saw it and decided he couldn't live without it.

So, for those of you with a passion for Halloween and an even greater passion to have THE BEST costume, LISTEN UP!!  Please consider spending a fraction of your costume cost on a school uniform for a child in need.  A uniform that will be worn every day, for the whole school year.  A uniform that will enable this child to receive the education they so greatly deserve.

Trick or treat!
Megan & Jess

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Heavy hearts…..

Like many in the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and Northeast, our focus has quickly turned from the Presidential election and Halloween, to hurricane Sandy.  Her path has devastated many, including killing 65 in Haiti and she is still 500 miles from the US, as of right now.  As I picked up bottled water and a few non-perishable food items (while keeping an eye on The Weather Channel) I was reminded how lucky we all are.  24 hour storm coverage.  Access to clean water, candles, batteries and flashlights.  All of this can be found right around the corner. And at every store, on every corner.  So many people have generators.  I thought of all those living in poverty stricken areas where such preparations are not an option and the devastation will continue long after the eye of the storm passes.

So tonight our hearts are with everyone affected by this super (scary) storm; those dealing with her devastation and those awaiting her arrival.  We hope you and all of your families stay safe!     

xo, Megan and Jess 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your heart in need of a jump start?

Read this! It just melted our hearts to read this sweet letter.  Below is a translated thank you letter from one of our ninth grade students in El Salvador.....

God bless you!

          I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for donating the uniform.  I am a ninth-grade      student and I have a scholarship at LACCI only had a skirt and I had to come to school with a special shirt for not having uniform, but now I am very grateful to God and all the people who made the uniform donations possible, not only to me but also to all my fellow 9th graders and all of the students at Naranjo School.

I’d like to tell you that all of you who have collaborated in giving us these precious uniforms have big hearts, because it’s not just anyone who does this for children and young ones but you all had that great heart.  Maybe there are children with more than one uniform that are no longer surprised by a gift like this but for those who do not have, it is a great blessing.

Cindy Gisela Arevalo Caleron
Ninth Grader

I think I speak for all of us when I say, YOU ARE WELCOME CINDY! 

To our faithful readers, we want to remind you that we would not be able to provide these much needed uniforms without your support! We hope this thank you note brightened your day as much as it did ours!

Megan & Jess

Monday, October 22, 2012

What are YOU doing Thursday night?!

Come join us at Space with a Soul at 281 Summer Street....  

We haven't told you much about our newest partner, The Komera Project, but it is their first event and they are gracious enough to give us a table to sell our scarves!   Komera is our first ALL GIRLS project and we are psyched about it! Komera works with girls in rural Rwanda who want to pursue further education but don't have the resources to do so themselves. We will tell you more as we get closer to funding in early 2013, but come join us and browse the beautiful art they've secured for the event.  Its free of charge and there will be wine and appetizers served alongside the silent art auction. 

6:30-9:00pm at Space with a Soul at 281 Summer Street. Please make sure you put your name on the list on their eventbrite page here: and invite friends and family - the more the merrier! 

Supporting our partners supports us because without them, we couldn't fulfill our mission.

Have a great week!

Megan & Jess

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank you from Jaquel

one of our third graders in El Salvador :-)

You are most welcome Jaquel!

Megan & Jess

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thank You!

Last week was a big week for Tailored for Education and we just want to take a moment to 

To those of you who…..
                                  Donated a uniform
                                  Purchased the NEW Michael Scarf
                                  LIKED us on Facebook
                                  Followed us on Twitter
                                  Spread the word about our mission
                                  Thought a little more about the importance of empowering girls!
                                  Encouraged us along the way…...

You ALL helped us move Tailored for Education forward last week and we are very grateful.  Our audience is bigger, reach broader and future a little bit brighter the children we help!  Together we are changing lives, one uniform at a time and we hope you will all continue to join us on this journey!

xo, Megan and Jess

Monday, October 8, 2012

Celeb-ri-TFE spotlight on

TFE President and Co-Founder MEGAN KELLY!

(n) 1. someone who has gone out of their way to help Tailored for Education raise money or awareness

In preparation for International Day of the Girl, we are celebrating women this week, all women.  I would like to take today's blog post to celebrate and thank one very special woman; one I am so fortunate to work side by side with on a daily basis.  Megan has been working non stop to prepare for our one-for-one product launch.  All weekend she was stamping, ironing, stuffing, designing .... she did it all and I couldn't be more grateful for her hard work.  Everyone would love their job if the President of their company was like Megan :-)  I feel so lucky to have such an amazing business partner.  Without her dedication, we would not be ready for this quickly approaching deadline!

Megan, thank you so much for everything you have done not just this weekend, but since we registered TFE as an official organization almost a year and a half ago.  
Don't ever change because you are are one amazing WOMAN :)


Friday, October 5, 2012

A very special Week in Review

This week has been crazy busy as we prepare to unveil our one for one product AND a fabulous partnership next week, all ahead of International Day of the Girl on Thursday.

Right now my living room is covered with packaging and Jess was up very late finalizing website edits.  I thought about letting the blog fall by the way side today, but this I came across THIS story.  It is the perfect reminder how imperative it is that every child get a school uniform that needs one.  Every girl has the right to receive an education and fulfill her dreams, but above all she has the right to be treated equally.  The thoughts of these young girls in Kenya are too precious not to be shared and too inspiring to be added in with other news stories.  I am with Leah, age 15:

"I will never stop standing up for girls. They are wonderful. Stand up for girls to be educated. They can make a change that even a boys cannot. That is why they should be given equal opportunity. I stand up for girls to be educated."

Girls In Kenya Speak Out on Equal Education
Posted: 10/03/2012 9:13 am

The LitWorld LitClubs, held at the Red Rose School in Kibera, Kenya, the second-largest slum in Nairobi, are helping to transform the lives of the girls living there. These adolescent girls face unimaginable odds on a daily basis, yet they possess the drive to chase after their dreams and are desperate to further their education. There are countless stories of girls who entered the school shy and even afraid. Many of them felt unsure of themselves and were not confident in their abilities. However, through participation in the LitClubs, these young women began to blossom and have the confidence to let their let light shine. Here are some of their stories.
Diana Kwamboko, LitWorld Girls LitClub Member
My name is Diana Kwamboko and I study at Red Rose Children's Centre. I am in the seventh grade. Since my parents could not pay for my fees, I am sponsored by the Children of Kibera foundation. My dad died when I was very young and my mother takes responsibility for me, although sometimes she is unable to satisfy all my needs. Despite our family's background, I am working hard to raise our standard of living. I think girls should be given special care. I live in Kibera, a place where many girls are denied their rights. I am 13 years old and I am really proud of being a girl. When I grow up, I have a dream of forming an organization to fight for every girl's right in Africa and all of the world. I stand up for every girl's right to be educated. I stand up for this right because most girls in Kibera depend on boys and this ends them up with them being pregnant at an early age. I would like each and every girl to have a bright future and depend on themselves. Each and every girl should be taken to school. I hate it most when I see young girls who are supposed to be in school working as house girls. Thanks to LitWorld's Girls LitClub which is trying to change every girl's life.

Laventer Atieno, LitWorld Girls LitClub Member
My name is Laventer Atieno. I am 14 years old and I am in the eighth grade. My hobbies are drawing, exploring, coloring and playing handball. My dream career is to be an explorer, a scientist or a psychiatrist. I learn in Red Rose Children's Centre. My favourite subjects are mathematics, science and social studies. My favourite colors are blue, purple and yellow. I love learning and going to school. When you are an educated person, no one can cheat you or deny you your rights. You will know and stand up for yourself. You will understand the laws and know what's wrong and what's good. That's why I stand up for girls to be educated. I would love all girls to be given equal opportunity with the rest of the people. I wish all girls not to be discriminated against, for surely they can do better if they are given the chance. All they need is opportunity. Again, I would love for girls to be respected. They need to be seen as people who have the ability to contribute to society. Girls are the most precious things in the world.

Leah, LitWorld Girls LitClub Member
My name is Leah. I am in the eighth grade at a school called Red Rose Children Centre. I am 15 years old and my hobbies are swimming, singing and dancing. In my free time, I always read a storybook. My dream is to become a lawyer. I always admire this since it involves justice. As a girl, I would like to see the girls being given their rights. For me, I know I will make it. That's why I always work hard to achieve my goals. There are a lot of challenges that girls usually face. They are very important people in this world. They do what they boys can also do -- they should not be mistreated. They should be educated and treated equally. I am very worried to see girls being denied their rights. When I am a lawyer, I will want to see girls laughing instead of crying. I will never stop standing up for girls. They are wonderful. Stand up for girls to be educated. They can make a change that even a boys cannot. That is why they should be given equal opportunity. I stand up for girls to be educated.

LitWorld's Stand Up for Girls campaign advocates for every girl's right to a quality education. By learning to read and write, all girls in the world can protect themselves against poverty, poor health outcomes and lifelong struggle. Literacy is a skill that once learned, is hers forever.
Let us stand together to champion the right of all girls to be Fierce, Fearless and Free.
Stand with us on 10.11.12. Visit our website to learn more and join the movement.

I know for certain these hopes and dreams will carry me through this weekend!  Check back next week for some BIG announcements!
xo, Megan and Jess

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Save the Date

We are counting down the days until International Day of the Girl, on October 11th.  In celebration we will have two BIG announcements next week!  Until then we are busily preparing!

xo, Megan and Jess

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thank you from a 5th grader

"I am very thankful for this blessing because you donated a uniform"
Maritza, 5th grader
xo, Megan and Jess