Friday, September 7, 2012

Week in Review

Students all over the world are now back in school; except for 39 million girls

The teacher strike in Kenya is threatening 2012 exams

Microsoft employees help train teachers in Malawi

A touching account of how education can help Haiti

Hand in Hand soap is one of my FAVORITE gifts and now with the introduction of new scents I can give them over again!  For each bar of soap purchased Hand in Hand will donate a bar of soap, this will prevent the spread of disease and save countless lives.  Healthy children in school = better future for all!  I can not wait to get a bar (or three) of the lavender!

It has been a great week! I am so grateful to have this girl back and by my side every day. We have been getting back into the swing of things, making BIG plans and getting used to the fashion industry all while laughing A LOT. I am so thankful to have such a fabulous business partner and friend!

xo, Megan and Jess

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