Saturday, December 31, 2011

11 Lessons from 2011

We are without a doubt excited for the wonderful things 2012 holds for Tailored for Education, but tonight we are so grateful for the blessings of 2011.  We are both much different than we were a year ago, specifically because we have learned so much.  Before we focus on our growing "To Do in 2012" list, it is important that we reflect on all of the amazing things we learned in 2011!

Here are our top 11 Lessons Learned in 2011:

1.  There are over 100 million children out of school worldwide, half are girls.

2.  Half of the world’s out-of-school children live in just fifteen countries.

3.  Uniforms, similar to the ones we wore for so many years, mean so much more around the world.

4.  The number of people working to help others through non profits, foundations and social businesses (just to name a few) is astounding and truly humbling. 

5.  Only 2% of humanitarian aid goes to education. 

6.  How vast and amazing the concept of social business is and what a wonderful tool it can be to help change the world.

7.  The kindness and support shown by our friends, families, colleagues and strangers at a variety of non profits and foundations has been unparalleled.  We are so grateful to those that did not know us, yet extended ongoing advice and encouragement.

8.  The rebuilding of devastated countries such a Haiti, is a long and tedious project led by people with big hearts. 

9.  That lives can be changed with the same amount of money we spend on lunch in a day. 

10.  That in developing countries, an extra year of primary school boosts girls’ eventual wages by 10-20%.

11.  The overwhelming feeling that comes with making a dream or concept a reality. 

Shortly, two business partners, friends and colleagues will cheers each other across timezones while our minds race with dreams, ideas and big plans for 2012.  In the meantime, we wish you all a very happy and healthy 2012!

xo, Megan and Jess

Images via

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays!

We are feeling extra blessed this Christmas! As we we spend time with those we love we can't help but be thankful for all the support and generosity we have seen since we officially launched Tailored for Education. Most importantly we are so excited for the children we will be able to help this year because of all of you! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy holiday!

xo, Megan and Jess

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It is Launch Day!

We couldn't be more excited.  Check back soon for more exciting updates about our pipeline projects!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. Thank you for all who have donated time and money toward the effort to eradicate this deadly disease. We are fortunate to live in a country that can pool resources and make a difference. At Tailored for Education, our hope is that increased school enrollment rates will increase awareness of contracting and spreading the disease. The basic information taught in schools about day-to-day hygiene and the prevention of HIV and AIDS saves lives. Our hope is that in the next decade we will see even more strides made to reduce the number of lives lost from AIDS.

Bono's Op-Ed in the New York Times